Sunday, February 26, 2012

Political Cartoons

This political cartoon is depicting England and it's strong imperialistic goals. England had gained India and Cape Town in South Africa. The artist's opinion is that England  wanted to have empires all over Europe, as seen by the multiple hands of the man in the cartoon. I could not tell if the artist was against imperialism, but to me it seems like he was to an extent. He must have had bitter opinions about England. I like this political cartoon because it shows how England really had established empires or at least tried to all over Europe. From this picture, it looks as though England was very greedy and wanted as much land as possible.

This political cartoon is depicting the Europeans wanting land in Africa. This was known as the "Scramble for Africa". Africa was a large continent and it provided much land for many Europeans to establish empires there. From this political cartoon, I cannot tell if the artist was for or against Imperialism. I like this political cartoon because it was a creative way to show the Europeans "scrambling" for Africa. The Europeans were very successful in acquiring land in Africa and suppressed the natives living in those countries.

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