Monday, February 27, 2012

Connections Across Continents

Open Door Policy (1899):

Secretary John Hay, under President William McKinley, brought about the idea of the Open Door Policy in 1899. It allowed countries to trade freely and equally with another. The United States thought European countries were taking over areas of the world, including Africa. The United States did not want to go to war fighting for the land. The Open Door Policy was a better and more efficient way to do so. This event can be connected across continents because the Open Door Policy not only affected the United States in trade, but also other countries such as  Britain, Germany, Russia and Japan. It opened up trade in these countries.

Annexation of Hawaii (1898):

Hawaii and the United States renewed a treaty that would allow Hawaiian sugar to be sold in the United States. Hawaii also leased Pearl Harbor to the United States In 1893, Sanford B. Dole, a pineapple planter with the help of the Marines, removed Queen Liliuokalani from the throne. He proclaimed Hawaii a republic and wanted it to be annexed by the United States. Newly elected President William McKinley approved of this annexation of Hawaii. He thought gaining Hawaii was another manifest destiny. Congress in 1898 approved of the United States annexing Hawaii because the navy  needed a naval base to protect the country and its trade. This event connects across continents because the United States was gaining land and becoming imperialistic, like Europe, by using power. Europe at the time was dominating Africa and the United States wanted to gain land, just like the Europeans.The United States Annexation of Hawaii (1898):

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