Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is the United States Imperialistic?

United States Imperialism
I think the United States has been imperialistic in the Nineteenth century and currently today. At this time in the nineteenth century, the United States tried to expand their influence abroad, including the Philippines which was a great success at this time. The United States tried to gain control of Japan, and as a result, the Japanese reluctantly signed treaties that opened two ports and permitted trade. Even more treaties came about.

1.) Annexation and Control of Philippines and Hawaii.

2.) New cultures came about.

3.) Iraq Intervention: Trying to bring about a democracy.

1.) Imperialism does not lead to democracy.

2.) Has started wars, which as a result has cost many lives of people and has cost the United States money to finance the wars.

3.) Trying to follow in the footsteps of Europeans.

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