Monday, February 27, 2012

Current Uprising: Syria

Started March 23, 2011:

Currently in Syria, people are revolting against the government. The government is ruled by the President Bashar al-Assad, who is more like a dictator than a president. The protesters want political freedom and an end to the corruption. al-Assad belongs to the Ba'ath Party, which in 1963 banned opposition and enforced emergency laws. Many protesters have been killed by the army, under the discretion of al-Assad. The deadliest of protest murders would be on the eve of Ramadan, one of the major Muslim holidays.There are no good results because the protests are still going on currently. Some bad results of the protesting would be a great amount of deaths, al-Assad is still in rule, and Syria was banned from the Arab League. Though there is optimism that the Syrian National Council, a representative body, may become the new government in the future. This would be good for Syria because the Council is more representative of the people, than a dictator.

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