Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chapter Objective/EQ

Relationship between U.S. and Europe
Chapter/Unit Objective: I hope to accomplish many things throughout this blog. First, I would like to accomplish learning more about the West and its Imperialistic ways, far beyond the chapter. Also, I would like to learn how the United States tied into Imperialism and draw connections across time, to see if the United States had similar goals to the Western world or not.

Essential Question: How is the New Imperialism different from the Old Imperialism?

Old Imperialism was used for the exploration and conquests during the 16th through 19th centuries. It was known as the Age of Exploration. The main goal of the explorers was "Gold, Glory, God!" They wanted to find gold and send it back to their countries. They wanted to glorify not only themselves but their countries. One of the main reasons for the Old Imperialists was to convert the natives to Christianity. As for the New Imperialists, the Europeans wanted to create vast empires abroad. The main goal of the New Imperialists was "Christianity, Commerce, Civilization!" They still wanted to convert the natives to Christianity. They wanted to create business in their new empires. Many New Imperialists wanted to civilize the natives to their customs and behaviors.

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