Monday, February 27, 2012

3-2-1 Summary

3 Things I learned:

1.) India was referred to as the "crown Jewel" of the British empire.

2.) How the current uprisings in the world relate to New Imperialism.

3.) Japan became a imperialistic power after they modernized.

2 Things that interested me:

1.) Japan was the only country who was not taken over by an imperialistic power.

2.) How the United States could be considered Imperialistic.

1 Question I still have:

1.) How did the British stop the Sepoy Mutiny?

Spotlight on the Suez Canal

Egypt has  full control of the Suez Canal, as of 1962. It is operated by the Suez Canal Authority. The canal begins at Point Said in the Mediterranean Sea and ends at Suez at the Gulf of Suez. The canal runs from north to south. It separates the African continent from Asia. The canal is not wide enough for two ships to pass side by side. There is one shipping lane and several passing ones. It is one of the world's most used waterways and is beneficial for trade. The canal is considered a checkpoint because it can be blocked easily and therefore disrupt trade.

Current Uprising: Syria

Started March 23, 2011:

Currently in Syria, people are revolting against the government. The government is ruled by the President Bashar al-Assad, who is more like a dictator than a president. The protesters want political freedom and an end to the corruption. al-Assad belongs to the Ba'ath Party, which in 1963 banned opposition and enforced emergency laws. Many protesters have been killed by the army, under the discretion of al-Assad. The deadliest of protest murders would be on the eve of Ramadan, one of the major Muslim holidays.There are no good results because the protests are still going on currently. Some bad results of the protesting would be a great amount of deaths, al-Assad is still in rule, and Syria was banned from the Arab League. Though there is optimism that the Syrian National Council, a representative body, may become the new government in the future. This would be good for Syria because the Council is more representative of the people, than a dictator.

Uprising in European Colony

Great Rebellion ( Sepoy Mutiny):

Europe will enter into a period of colonization called imperialism, which would bring European control and oppression to many in the unindustrialized world. The most famous uprisings in a British colony was the Great Rebellion, otherwise known as the Sepoy Mutiny. Britain had gained control of India and the imperialistic goals of the British affected lives of Indians. There was a lot of tension within the colony. There was an insurrection by the Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before it was finally crushed. A new rifle called a Lee-Enfield rifle caused bitter disputes between the Muslims and the Hindus. In order to load the rifle, you had to bite on the cartridge, which was greased with pig and cow fat. To the Muslims, the pig is an animal that they do not eat, nor would want to bite on. For the Hindus, the cow was a sacred animal. The Hindus and Muslims were the majority of religious groups in India. Both the Hindus and Muslims were insulted by this and began to revolt, spreading to other mutinies. Finally, this mutiny was broken up by the British. The result wasn't what the people expected, but it was one of the first steps toward Indian independence from the British.

Connections Across Continents

Open Door Policy (1899):

Secretary John Hay, under President William McKinley, brought about the idea of the Open Door Policy in 1899. It allowed countries to trade freely and equally with another. The United States thought European countries were taking over areas of the world, including Africa. The United States did not want to go to war fighting for the land. The Open Door Policy was a better and more efficient way to do so. This event can be connected across continents because the Open Door Policy not only affected the United States in trade, but also other countries such as  Britain, Germany, Russia and Japan. It opened up trade in these countries.

Annexation of Hawaii (1898):

Hawaii and the United States renewed a treaty that would allow Hawaiian sugar to be sold in the United States. Hawaii also leased Pearl Harbor to the United States In 1893, Sanford B. Dole, a pineapple planter with the help of the Marines, removed Queen Liliuokalani from the throne. He proclaimed Hawaii a republic and wanted it to be annexed by the United States. Newly elected President William McKinley approved of this annexation of Hawaii. He thought gaining Hawaii was another manifest destiny. Congress in 1898 approved of the United States annexing Hawaii because the navy  needed a naval base to protect the country and its trade. This event connects across continents because the United States was gaining land and becoming imperialistic, like Europe, by using power. Europe at the time was dominating Africa and the United States wanted to gain land, just like the Europeans.The United States Annexation of Hawaii (1898):

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is the United States Imperialistic?

United States Imperialism
I think the United States has been imperialistic in the Nineteenth century and currently today. At this time in the nineteenth century, the United States tried to expand their influence abroad, including the Philippines which was a great success at this time. The United States tried to gain control of Japan, and as a result, the Japanese reluctantly signed treaties that opened two ports and permitted trade. Even more treaties came about.

1.) Annexation and Control of Philippines and Hawaii.

2.) New cultures came about.

3.) Iraq Intervention: Trying to bring about a democracy.

1.) Imperialism does not lead to democracy.

2.) Has started wars, which as a result has cost many lives of people and has cost the United States money to finance the wars.

3.) Trying to follow in the footsteps of Europeans.

U.S. Imperialism - Political Cartoon

This political is depicting the U.S. and its Imperialistic actions,which are meant to be good and help others, but are resulting in war. It shows that every time the United States tries to expand, the result is never good and leads to war. The artist's opinion of this political cartoon is that he sees the United States and its imperialistic actions as evil and not beneficial at all. I like this political cartoon because for Americans Uncle Sam is an iconic image symbolizing their country. The evil look on Uncle Sam's face and the picture of war he is holding, is a good way of showing the United States and its Imperialistic actions.